Monday, April 11, 2011




Rudzka Mountain, Ldz.

An Erasmus year is an experience so intense that people who share it, create a unique friendship. As our parents when they went to the military service, the friends you make during this year are lifelong, although you don't meet them for years.

Luis was during that year like my brother, and although we haven't had much contact since then, every time we meet is like we're still there, crossing the snowy streets looking for some place to take a cold piwo.

Yesterday he married the girl he just began dating when we went to Poland, surely this hard test strengthened the relationship.

Sorry for my English.


Un ao de Erasmus es una experiencia tan intensa que las personas que la comparten crean unos nicos lazos de amistad. Como nuestros padres cuando hacan la mili, los amigos que haces durante ese ao son para toda la vida, aunque pases aos sin verlos.

Luis fue durante ese ao como mi hermano, y aunque no hemos tenido mucho contacto desde entonces, cada vez que nos encontramos es como si estuviramos an all, cruzando las calles nevadas en busca de algn lugar donde poder tomar una piwo bien fra.

Ayer se cas con la chica con la que empez a salir justo cuando nos fuimos de Erasmus; sin duda una prueba semejante hizo indestructible su relacin.

His favorite song (everyday, all the time): "Como un mar eterno", Hanna.








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